Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Penguin of the month goes to...

Hello Penguins i know i was supposed to this at the end of the month but i decided to do it now!
But there was a tie between Queen Binawa,Slidoo.Lemon2608 and everyone else who said water or ocean or sea.
So im gonna do another riddle!
A train drives past a man at 6:00 it drives past him again at 6:00 on the same day how is that possible?

Hope you can work it out!
Waddle on!


Piper said...

one is 6 a.m. and one is 6 p.m.

8zankoo8 said...

We will see if that is right keep your answers coming people

8zankoo8 said...

P.S-No one else can do the same answer as Lemon2608


Slidoo said...

But that is my answer!!!

Slidoo said...

You cannot say that I can't answer the same because that was my answer so I am answering it.

The first 6:00 was in the morning (AM) the second 6:00 was in the evening (PM)

8zankoo8 said...

Ok slidoo

Ferose19 said...

that same was my answer

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