How to become a tour guide/Secret agent

Hello to day i will show you how to become a tourguide and secret agent first go to ski villige press on the tour guide stand
Then click take a quiz

Here's the answers:
How many sled-racing courses are there?

How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

What day does the newspaper come out?

Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure

What color of puffle can catch on fire?

How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
The Migrator

Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

How do you get a pin?
Click on it

Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
Pet Shop

In a few days you will become one hope you enjoy!

How to become a secret agent

Next, click on the “M” badge in the top right corner of your screen, then on the “M” a second time. You will then be asked some questions. The answers to the questions are:

Being rude
Report the people
Tell anyone your address.
I will keep CP a safe place.
I will help other penguins

In a few days you will become one enjoy!
Waddle on

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