Friday, May 7, 2010

Medival Party is finaly here!

Hello Penguins when you go round that maze in quest 1 the arrows will shine thats where you have to go also here is a cheat to throw very quick snow balls do T Click T Click T Click and so on....
Here are some items:

You can find the treasure at the end of Quest 2.
Here are some other items outside the quests:

Thats all for now on!
Waddle on!
-8zankoo8 (Owner)


Jediluke8 said...

For the riddle on the other post the answer is a train drives past him and after that another train drives past him.
(You said we couldn't use the same answer as Lemon's)

8zankoo8 said...

I changed my mind if you want that answer you are welcome to put that as ur answer.
(I will pull a penguin name to win at the end of the month)
If some people have got the same answers

Magno20 said...

its a shame i am not a member. =(

Jediluke8 said...

Ok then I change my answer to Lemon's.

bubbeboo124 said...

Heyyaaaa!! Cool blog :P Can i ask where the hell is break your heart coming from?? haha i just cant find it :S Hang on, maybe if i get closer it will get louder...

8zankoo8 said...

Its in the rihgt sidebar keep scrolling down its in a iphone format read the post above please sorry if ur not their

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