Saturday, April 3, 2010

Water Dojo sneak peaks!

We have fire now we are going for water it looks amazing probably better than the fire dojo.

Sorry about the quality.
Here's what the costumes shall look like...
Well thats all for now
Waddle on!
-8zankoo8 & spagaroo


Magno20 said...

ok thats ok also what do u want me to do with episode 4.

8zankoo8 said...

Just watch it really hope you like it

Whizzbobrox said...

Just use Chobots to spread the news about your Blog.

8zankoo8 said...

Hmmmm how do i exactly do that?

8zankoo8 said...

Hmmmm how do i exactly do that?

Magno20 said...

Do u still ned help puting commenting things on everpage.

Magno20 said...

Happy easter i have a easter pressent for you,its 5 mag points to 8zankoo8

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